Thursday, April 06, 2006

What about muscle injuries?

Muscle injuries cause physical pain which, if prolonged, can turn into mental anguish. Thoughts of how it will affect your job performance, including taking care of young children, may be very stressful.Will it heal by itself? Should you wait to see if it heals with rest or should you go see a physician? Indecision can add to the pain of the injury.

Often you know immediately that the injury will heal on its own with rest, ice, compression, & elevation – RICE is the term the medical professionals use.

Other times the answer isn’t clear. When in doubt you can find out! When you know, you save mental anguish and possibly a good night’s sleep – just what your body needs to heal. There isn’t anything more precious than good health and a sense of mental well-being.

The National Institutes for Health provide information on injuries and conditions that may help you decide when to call a health professional. They also have information for parents on how to help your child prevent injuries.

Swelling usually can be reduced with an ice pack or ibuprofen. Heat helps increase flexibility and relax tight muscles once swelling has gone down.

Need an ice pack that isn’t harsh? Or a heating pad that is safe and easy?

Maine Warmers offers microwave heating pads that double as ice packs. Store a Back Warmer in the freezer and you have one ready to go when needed. Then, if you need heat, pop it in the microwave oven for a minute and a half, and enjoy the soothing warmth. An extra long Neck Warmer is versatile and will go in the car or to work with you.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sprained ankles

After a skiing accident years ago I walked around on a broken ankle for a week thinking it was a sprain.

The first aid personnel at the ski area made me place my whole foot up to my shin in a bucket of ice water. OUCH!!! That hurt more than the injury. Today I would use a frozen Neck Warmer to wrap around the swollen ankle. I would be more apt to apply ice if I didn't have to deal with the harshness and pain of using real ice. Icing an injury reduces swelling, but using ice doesn't have to mean torture!

To read about caring for ankle sprains take a look at this short piece at Womens Health.Gov. Make sure you know if your ankle is sprained or broken.

To find gentle ice packs go to Maine Warmers. All of their products can be frozen or microwaved and make great gifts for people with sprained or broken ankles. Their Neck Warmer makes a good ankle wrap.