Walk -- DON"T RUN -- in the Stiletto Challenge & Save your Feet!
I hope that the women who race in the Stiletto Challenge tonight at the Landing in Scarborough, ME will walk and not run. It would be too bad for any of the participants to injure a foot –- or both feet -- to raise money for Breast Cancer and Lift Up Ellie (for a little girl with a rare form of cancer). Why not make the donation and forget about running?
I read in today’s (May 20, 2010) issue of The Portland Press Herald, that not one man had signed up for the race.
It is because men think women look sexy in high heels that women wear them. I have never heard a foot doctor say, “Wear high heels -- they are good for your feet.” In fact, foot specialists will tell you many women suffer life-long problems with their feet from wearing high heels. Most foot injuries in women are caused by wearing high heels -- from sprains to broken bones (sometimes breaking an arm from a fall).
The damage caused by wearing high heels or shoes that are too tight can cause conditions called Hammertoe and mallet toe in which the toes are forced toward the front of the shoe. The Mayo Clinic article on Hammertoe and mallet toe explains that surgery may be needed to relieve the pain from these foot conditions. On top of that wearing high heels can contribute to the formation of bunions -- a condition causing pain and disfigured feet.
Avoid the lasting pain and associated medical costs due to foot injuries from wearing high heels or improperly fitting shoes. Ehow.com offers an article on HOW TO WEAR FLAT SHOES AND STILL LOOK SEXY, by Kristie Leong M.D.
If your feet are sore from walking (or racing) in high heel shoes, working on them all day, or from wearing poorly supported footwear, try soaking you feet in warm water with Epsom Salts for 5 – 10 minutes. Or use a pair of Foot Warmers, or put your feet on top of a heated Back Warmer from Maine Warmers. Let the warmth relax and soothe your tired tootsies.
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